Satori Acupuncture & Health
Relax. Refresh. Re-imagine. Best of Westchester. Acupuncture & Therapeutic Massage
Satori Acupuncture & Health
Relax. Refresh. Re-imagine. Best of Westchester. Acupuncture & Therapeutic Massage
Relax. Refresh. Re-imagine. Best of Westchester. Acupuncture & Therapeutic Massage
Relax. Refresh. Re-imagine. Best of Westchester. Acupuncture & Therapeutic Massage
Over the past 20 years, Satori Spa has won many awards, including Best Massage and Best Holistic Day Spa in Westchester. Our utmost priority is to cater to the specific needs of each client, whether it be to let go of tension and stress or for a more therapeutic treatment.
Sandy Lussi, L.Ac. and Gary Sapolin, L.Ac., are well-known practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Their individual approaches incorporate many aspects of holistic health, including acupuncture, acupressure, and cupping.
All services at Satori are $70 for 30 minutes $120 for 60 minutes & $165 for 90 minutes
We are available for sessions 7 days a week